Poolside Hybrid Artist Residency
Video Pool Media Arts Centre
1 - 6
These surrounding clips are segements of animations created during the residency.
Video Pool Media Arts Centre
1 - 6
These surrounding clips are segements of animations created during the residency.
During the spring of 2019, I was awarded the created during the Scott Leroux Fund for Media Arts Exploration Artist Residency offered by Videopool Media Arts Centre. in Winnipeg Manitoba. My proposal was to utilize Video Pool’s unused legacy video equipment, and Amiga consoles in conjunction with newer digital technologies and equipment to transform their gallery space into a hybrid Analog-Digital video production studio and experimental laboratory for the month long duration of the residency. Focussing on the functions of the once cutting-edge Video Toaster 4000, I conceived, and configured a studio surrounding the Amiga 4000. The resulting experiments were aimed at deconstructing the comparatively ‘primitive’ digital effects, transitions, and 3D renderer of the Video Toaster 4000 to create new experimental animations. The Residency was self guided and not product-driven, with the emphasis on exploration and experimentation. Using the Video Toaster in conjunction with various analog video mixers, colourizers and video cameras from both my own collection and Video Pool’s. I spent the month creating animations, and performances based heavily on the unique abilities that this specific studio presented me. The residency was finalized with a solo performance of two new works created during the residency, DE / GEN, and SMEAR, and a screening of a work in progress, WIPE COMPOSER.